Autobahn Indoor Speedway Opens In Memphis, TN
Posted by Tom on 03/31/2015
If you have the need for speed and a bit of a competitive streak, then northeast Memphis is the place to be as Autobahn Indoor Speedway celebrates its grand opening Monday, March 9th.

Director of Operations, Bill Harris, says the indoor race kart is the only one of its kind in the Mid-South.

"If Ferrari and Tesla got together to create an electric kart, it might look a lot like this," said Harris.

Harris oversees the Grand Prix style track which allows drivers to drift around right and left turns. It makes for a pretty intense ride, especially since the karts hit a top speed of 50 miles per hour.

"If you know what you are doing you can put it to its max," Harris said.

I must have not known what I was doing. My videographer Parker Hays and I got behind the wheel, and let's just say bragging rights went to the man behind the camera.

Fortunately, if I want to get better, Autobahn provides a race tutor--three-time Atoka Raceway Park points champion, Tiffany Wilson, 18.

"I have 11 years racing experience behind me," Wilson said. "I've been racing since I was 7 years old."

The senior at Center Hill High School is one of 29 people that Autobahn is able to provide a job to. She serves as director of competition and she will be teaching a racing course every Saturday.

"The karts here have a lot more git-up-and-go than the gas powered karts do," Wilson said. "Run the course you are most comfortable with and just give it all you got."

However, a lesson is not required, and as long as you know how to accelerate, brake, turn left and turn right, then you should be in good shape. Just remember to bring your lead foot, because at Autobahn there is no speed limit.

This is the third Autobahn in the country. The first two opened in Maryland and Florida and another one is planned to open in Birmingham, Alabama later this year.